Reach every farmer!

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County Ag Directories are a new and effective tool for reaching every farmer in every county through the power of hyper-local converged print and electronic media.
A handsome high-gloss, heavy-stock, county-specific print directory with maximum staying power is direct-mailed to every rural box in the county while an easy-to-use online version is posted at the centralized and highly-trafficked, providing a powerful one-two punch for businesses looking to effectively and efficiently position themselves in the competitive ag marketplace.

Why hyper-local?

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The old mass media model is dead. Gone are the days of blanketing the world with the same message and hoping somebody responds.
Today’s consumer — the farmer included — demands more individualized, personalized messaging. That’s why the County Ag Directories model of cross-platform, county-specific communication is so effective. Tailored to the farmer within the most intimate of geographies — the county — County Ag Directories are personal, local and meaningful — all vital ingredients of an innovative and successful marketing strategy.

Why print?

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Remember that one about the tree falling in the woods but nobody being around to hear it? Does it make a sound? Likewise, if you have the nicest website, social media page or app in the word but nobody knows it exists, does it really matter?
Print continues to position itself in the marketplace as a necessary stimulant in the ever-expanding world of digital information. Without a guide, it’s easy to get lost — or never even really know where you’re going.
County Ag Directories’ print piece is that guide. Printed in full color on high-gloss heavy stock and direct-mailed to every single rural address, each county-specific directory not only acts as an effective and long-lasting standalone marketing piece, but also a powerful stimulant and guide to the highly-trafficked

Why online?

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Wide accessibility to tablets and smartphones in recent years has allowed information technology to make the jump from the home office to the tractor cab. County Ag Directories puts its brand of hyper-local business information in front of the new generation of tech-savvy farmers exactly how they want it when they need it most.

Be a part today!

Be a part of the next County Ag Directory aimed at your target market. Contact us today for details.